Nasal polyps are soft, painless, non-cancerous growths of the lining of the nasal cavity. Smaller polyps don't tend to create any problem, but larger ones can cause breathing difficulty, sneezing problems, reducing the sense of smell or taste. Mostly the smaller...
Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection of the skin caused by the Molluscum Contagiosum Virus. It causes single or multiple raised pearl-like bumps on the skin. This affects mostly children as it spreads from person to person by contact. SYMPTOMS Small, raised,...
VERTIGO Vertigo is a kind of dizzy feeling with the sensation of motion or spinning. People with vertigo feel as though they are actually spinning or moving that the world is spinning around them with nausea and vomiting. This feeling may be mild or severe that you...
SCIATICA Sciatica is referred to as pain along the course of the sciatic nerve which runs from the back of the buttock and thigh, down the inside of the leg to the ankle. The pain is caused by compression of the sciatic nerve due to injury or slipped disc of the...
In our day-to-day activities as we walk around sometimes a great force is applied to our hands and feet. By these activities, our skin is exposed to frequent friction and pressure. Our skin often protects itself by building up corns. Corn is a thick, hardened layer...
Middle ear infection (also called as otitis media) is an infection of the air-filled space behind the eardrum.More than 80% of children have suffered from at least one episode of otitis mediain their first 3 years of life. CAUSES/RISK FACTORS The following risk...
CONTACT DERMATITIS Contact dermatitis is a reaction that happens after your skin comes in contact with certain substances that causes a painful or itchy skin rash. The reaction can be sudden, within minutes to hours or comes on slowly (such as the reaction to nickel...
Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses of our head becomes swollen or inflamed. Sinusitis occurs due to infection with virus, fungi, bacteria, or allergic reaction result from blockage of sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull/head. They...
ENDOMETRIOSIS In this condition, the endometrium that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus or womb. Endometriosis can be found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder, or the intestines (rarely in lungs, around heart and brain). It commonly occurs...