Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses of our head becomes swollen or inflamed. Sinusitis occurs due to infection with virus, fungi, bacteria, or allergic reaction result from blockage of sinuses. The sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull/head. They are located behind the
forehead, cheeks, nasal bones and eyes. There are no bacteria or other germs present in healthy sinuses.
- Exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke, animal hairs, and dust.
- Asthma
- Hay fever or other allergic condition.
- Nasal polyps
- Smoking
- Abnormal sinus structures/DNS (Deviated Nasal Septum).
- Weakened immune system from chemotherapy or HIV.
- Sore throat
- Nasal discharge – thick, yellowish greenish color from the nose (Runny Nose).
- Stuffy, congested or blocked nose causing difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Drainage of mucus drips down the throat (Postnasal discharge)
- Pain, tenderness in the teeth, upper jaw or forehead.
- Sneezing
- Reduced sense of taste and smell.
- Headache over frontal portion face and eyes.
- Fever
- Cough, often worse at night.
- Bad breath
- Fatigue
The complication is uncommon in Acute Sinusitis. If they occur, complications might
- Infections – to brain and spinal cord (Meningitis)
- Vision problems
- Skin infection around the eyes.
- Clinical examination by Doctor
- Imaging studies – CT/MRI scan, X-ray of Para nasal sinuses.
- IgE or Phadiatop test
- Avoid exposure to polluted air.
- Avoid cigarette smoking.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidant that boosts your
immune system and help your body to resist infection.
- Reduce stress
- Exercise regularly
- Use a warm compress over the forehead and nose to relieve sinus pressure.
- Steaming – breathe in steam from a bowel of hot water to relieve blockage.
- Drink extra fluids (water or juices) – it helps to thin nasal secretions.
- Wash your hands properly after sneezing or coughing to avoid the spread of infection. Use kerchief or elbow while sneezing/coughing. Dispose of the tissues.
Homeopathic treatment aims at rebuilding the body’s immunity to Sinusitis.
Homeopathic remedies can cure the chronicity and prevent the recurrence of
Sinusitis. These medicines for Sinusitis are mild and it is far superior as it does not
resort any strong medications or antibiotics or steroids.
Few studies have examined the effectiveness of Homeopathic remedies. In a study
of Homeopathy for Sinusitis, more than 80% of the 119 participants had significant
improvement in the symptoms after taking Homeopathic remedy for 2 weeks
without antibiotics or other medications.
Consult your Homeopathic doctor if you have symptoms that last more than 10 days, repeated infections, fever, severe headache, stiff neck, swelling, or redness around your eyes.