Dictionary meaning of insomnia is habitual inability to sleep.
Insomnia is difficulty in getting sleep or being asleep even when person has a chance to do so.
It’s just not only SLEEP but also associated with tiredness, fatigue, lethargy in ability to concentrate at work etc
Acute: this could be of short duration mostly arising because of certain event like exam, stress, death of loved one, etc. once the incident is over person generally comes out of it automatically without any medical treatment
Chronic: As name suggest, sleep disturbance of loner duration at least three nights a week for at least for three months. Causes may be varied like shift duties, medication, lifestyle etc. it requires definitive treatment for going back to normal sleep wake cycles
- Sleeping late in night
- Waking up early before desired time
- Non refreshed feeling even after whole night’s sleep
- Headache
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Decrease in concentration
Diagnosis is usually clinical. Doctor will ask series of questions to arrive at diagnosis. The patient is asked to keep a sleep diary for better understanding of sleep patterns.
It is easy to pop a sleeping pill and be free of it. But it not only becomes habit forming and dependency, it sometimes does not render good sleep and makes the person more drowsy, tired, sick feeling.
HOMOEOPATHY has offered many a way forward treatment:
First detail history will be directed towards knowing the cause of insomnia with probable solution to it. The solution could be medical or non medical or even both.
If you are habituated to Sleeping pill: It’s a quiet difficult task but tapering of pill and sleeping naturally is a wonderful feeling. One can follow doctor and few tips given below.
- Form a sleep routine.
- Like taking a bath, having a cup of warm milk, listening to prayers or soothing music on regular normal time.
- Avoid alcohol. Coffee, tea, smoking etc.
- Do not be hungry while you retire.
- Meditation Relaxation therapy is advisable.
- Avoid thinking of negative thoughts.
- Exercise regularly.
- Avoid TV, Internet surfing, playing games, and using mobile phones just when you retire.
- Try to read just before you go to bed.